Furnishings Account
How It Works
Send furniture pictures to finderskeepersfurnishings@gmail.com. Responses are generally within 24 hours.
Consignor Splits are based on the actual selling price of the item and are as follows:
$1-$49: 40% consignor/60% store
$50-$99: 45% consignor/55% store
$100-Up: 50% consignor/50% store
Annual Membership, which includes online access for your account, is $12. This amount is deducted from your accountwith the first drop off of the calendar year.
The consignment period is 90 days. Unsold items after the 90th day expire and become property of Finders Keepers.Consignors may pick up items without penalty between the 25th and 90th day of the consignment contract. Items picked up within the first 25 days will incur a fee of 25% of the consigned value of the items picked up. Any consignor wanting unsold items is responsible for pulling those items themselves before the consignment period is up. The staff of FindersKeepers is not available to look for or pull any merchandise for return to the consignor.
Finders Keepers is not responsible for any consigned merchandise that is lost, damaged or stolen.
Consignments are accepted Monday through Saturday 10am-5pm. Consignors may drop off once a day. Consignments are not accepted on Sundays.
Finders Keepers determines the pricing on all items. Items are discounted 25% after 60 days.

Established consignors (those with an account) must fill out the desired form for the merchandise they are bringingfor consignment each time and choose between our 2 options:
1. Drop & Run: Consignor may drop off up to 50 items. Items are assessed and checked in as time allows. Merchandise deemed unacceptable for resell at Finders Keepers for any reason is donated to charity. No taxreceipt is given.
2. Stay & Wait: Consignor may bring up to 25 items. Items will be assessed at that time and unacceptedmerchandise returned. Accepted merchandise will be processed into inventory as time allows.
Important: if a major flaw or damage is found in any item at any time during the consignment period, the item will be donated to charity and will not be available for return.
Consignors may pick up money during regular business hours at either location. Cash is given for amounts under $49 and a check will be written for amounts over $49.
Simple Pay, a Direct Deposit ACH payment option, isavailable in your online portal. There is a minimum of $75 and a $3.50 fee. ACH payments are made on the last businessday of each month.
Funds earned may be used as store credit at both Finders Keepers locations.
Items are listed individually in your account so you can see what has sold and what is approaching expiration. Upon starting your account, you will receive an email from app@consignoraccess.com. Please open it and follow the prompts to set up your online account access. Once set up, you can access youraccount by visiting fkfurnishings.consignoraccess.com.

In-store Pick Up
When ordering items please pick up within 7 days otherwise a $5 a day storage fee will apply.

Consignment Hours
Monday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm

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